Friday, May 18, 2007


In the current atmosphere of heated debate over the serious problem of illegal immigration across the Mexican border, everyone has a view point.

Some people think that whoever came here illegally (which means by breaking the laws) must be thrown out without mercy, because they have no business of being here.

Some others think that our economy - especially the agriculture and hospitality sectors of our economy- needs the labor to offer reasonable products and services to the consumers.

Some others consider that it is a moral and humanitarian issue, because ours is a nation of immigrants and that we should not throw people out because they are honest and hard-working people who came here to avoid poverty and starvation and feed their families.

A large portion of Americans are ambivalent, because they really don't know the issue and are not concerned one way or the other.

Every year, around $40 Billion dollars are spent on this border security fiasco, where a few hundred armed members of the security forces hunt down Mexicans crossing the Southwestern deserts and play the cat-and-mouse game with "coyotes" who charge each illegal immigrant anywhere from $1500 to $4000 to take him across the border.

Tangled in this web are organized crime, drug smugglers, cops on the take and corrupt Mexican military and paramilitary units complicit in all of these and more.

California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas are bearing the huge cost of social programs, education, and massive burden on healthcare industry because of unpaid medical care. As these illegal immigrants spread across the country, these costs shift along with them to other cities and states. They cannot shift this burden to the Federal Government where it logically and legally belongs. This burden may amount to upwards of $100 Billion annually.

Federal Government, which is responsible for taking care of immigration, is either helpless, unconcerned, incompetent, or all of the above.

This issue has gotten out of hand over the past 6 years. States, cities, counties and even small towns and villages are hurting because of this unjust burden. Some are taking the draconian steps of making their own laws to exclude illegal immigrants. The situation is serious and getting to be ominous every passing day.

Now Congress has come up with another draconian bi-partisan plan to issue tamper-proof id cards to legal immigrants, offer a form of amnesty to around 11 MILLION illegal immigrants in some half-baked, untested and unproven way and essentially shoving this whole issue under the rug and throwing a lot of people's money at it.

It has been around ten years since the last "Amnesty" was granted to a large number of illegal immigrants. The issue has not been solved ever since, as was promised during that program. In fact, it has ballooned out of control with this large looming number of "APPROXIMATELY" 11 Million! Nobody knows for sure!

If you have a border for your nation, you better protect it! Otherwise, there is no sense in having it.

So, there you have it. A massive problem that is not going to go away, but going to get larger and larger until it becomes a catastrophe.

Is there a sensible solution to this mess?

Yes, indeed! There is one, if we are willing to think outside the box.


Yes, you read it right!


If a company wants to buy another company, they can either approach the management and make an offer to buy it, or they can go directly to the stockholders and make an offer. If enough stockholders accept the offer, you got a deal!

That is why I propose that we go directly to the stockholders and make an offer to each individual Mexican citizen to buy his share of the country. Currently, there are 107 Million Mexican citizens. If we offer a price of $5000 to each one of these citizens, it will cost about $535 Billion, or about the same amount of money that we wasted on the Iraq war.

If an 80% majority of Mexicans accept the offer, we bought ourselves a nice country with a lot of possibilities and solved all of our immigration problems in one stroke.

Consider the possibilities:

An almost virgin territory for our businesses to expand;

Zillions of beach front properties to satisfy the insatiated demand for warm-weather vacation and retirement homes for the bulging number of baby-boomers ready to retire;

A large pool of WILLING AND LEGAL LABOR to meet the needs of our economy.

Millions of Mexican entrepreneurs using their new-found wealth to start their businesses and putting their land to better and more productive use;

Larger market for American goods and services;

Unlimited possibilities to explore for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (which can ten be called Gulf of Florida, Texas, or Mississippi);

Excellent prospects for developing solar farms and wind farms for renewable, inexhaustible energy;


You can use your imagination and add quite a few more, if you choose!

Now, what could be wrong with such a sensible approach?

We have done similar deals before, such as the Louisiana Purchase.

This deal will start paying back huge dividends from day one.

In my view, the biggest payback would be assimilation of a large group of hard-working, God-loving, kind and gentle people who do not have to commit the crime of crossing a border at the dead of night in 120 degree heat, starving and dying of thirst just to make a living, and then living in the shadows, constantly living with the fear of brutal and inhuman treatment.

They are human beings, just like you and me, and deserve to live and work with dignity as human beings.

Think about it, and think long and hard.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, after all!

Peace and Blessings!


im=m said...

It's that a joke?

Anonymous said...

As simple as that sounds, I do not think the drug lords or the president in Mexico would like that idea.And, by the way,we were all at one point or another mixed into these America's, legally, as hard as it was for our founding fathers, great great grandparents, and so on.If anyone wants to live, work and become Americans , it is easyer to go through the system to work for what you believe in, then taking it, stealing it, or expecting it.

Mitzi said...

You are brilliant! I have said for years we should buy Mexico and most people thinks it's a crazy idea. But you have given some real thought to it and I love what you've come up with. Bravo!

johan f. altena said...

i believe we as should invite the state of Mexico to join us, the Americas, in every respect for the common good without abuse. johan :)

Unknown said...


I have long recommended that the correct solution for this problem is for Mexico to become state no. 51. It would save us billions of dollars and be an enormous boon to Mexico as well, who could use the investment and development that would pour in!

Fat Fingerd Dan said...

What an interesting proposal. Lets see how this might play out.
1. It reminds me of a hostile take over bid in buisness world. You go to the stock hoders in an attempt to circumvent the boared of directers. Sometimes it works a good percentage of the time. the take over steal all the money and
valubles and poof the victems, ie the employees,and smaller stock holder are left holding bag.

2. More to the point if a country try's to buy off all my citisen,
with the intent of taking over my country. That is a hostile action and worthy of a decleratin of War. All the hell and hardship that goes with it. This the liklely outcome of this plan. Remeber the US and MEXICO are not on the best of terms. Some are stiil of the belief that TEXAS should be a part of MEXICO.

3. If it came to war, how would we deal with leagle and ileagles all ready here?

4. How do you get the $5000 to the people? Do you give it to the presnet Government. LOL

5. Also there aresome large land and Business owners. Are theygoing to just give over thier property to the US?????? I don't think so!

6. The small time farmer will lose his land and money.

7. And again what you seem to be sugesting. Is an attemp not to buy Mexican votes to start a cival war! That I believe would quickly spread to the US and quite possibly possibly much farther. Mexico has a lot of natural resorses to protect. And the sources of central, and south America would have to ask themself's ARE WE NEXT???????

??? I've always wondered how a 'war could be call cival.'

Fat Fingerd Dan

erika gruber said...

The mexicans are just taking back what once belonged to then! They will not succumb to the white man!


Searchbeam said...


No, it is not a joke. It is a serious proposition to eliminate a lot of problems that exist for us as well as Mexican citizens.


Your idea of going through the system definitely has merits. However, the political corruption in Mexico and an unreasonable quota system made it all but impossible for most of the Mexican citizens to become legal immigrants.


Thank you for your compliments. Although it is easy for me to take credit for the concept and proposition, I believe a lot of people have thought about it! All I have done is to frame the issue in a logical, cohesive, reasonable and practical form. We stand on the shoulders of those who were here before us!

johan f. altena:

Your idea is good. The only problem I see with that is the issue of sovereignty and political corruption.
I don't think any Mexican leader would even discuss such a proposition, because there is no face-saving element to such a proposition.


Thank you for your thoughts and concurrence.

By taking the issue directly to the citizens of Mexico, and offering them a sum of $5000 for their compensation, it becomes very meaningful to them. They can realize their dreams without taking the risk! Once Mexico becomes part of USA, they have the freedom to move wherever they want to, without having to pay the coyote and the crime-syndicate ungodly sums of money as bribes/fees/protection money. AND they get to keep the $5000 and choose to use it any way they see fit as long as it is legal.

It will be placed in their specially opened bank account, and can be withdrawn with proper identification.

fat fingered dan:

You have made some interesting points! I will try to address them

A huge majority of Mexican citizens want to come to the USA for economic and family reasons. A large percentage of them are simply fed up with corruption, drugs, violence and sheer incompetence of the Mexican government to provide safety to its citizens.

When the publisher of a newspaper gets killed in the daylight for criticizing the Government, it is symbolic of the culture of political revenge that spreads like a cancer.

All honest, hard-working and God-loving Mexicans have no way out of their misery because the political system has failed to help and support them.

It is my conviction that, in the light of all the points mentioned here and even more, they would welcome the opportunity to become US citizens. It will give them a new life and a new purpose to live it peacefully and productively.

This is not and will not become a war, because there is the option of not accepting the offer.

Only if 80% or more of its citizens accept the offer, it can go through.

Consider that at least 12% of Mexico's population has crossed the border the hard way, risking their lives and limbs, and even paying the extortion money of $1500 to $4000 to the coyotes to sneak them across the border.